Tag: New Kingdom


Ramesses, "King of Kings": On the Context and Interpretation of Royal Colossi

The nature of kingship has been among the most intensively studied aspects of Egyptian culture and cannot be adequately addressed here. My interest lies specifically in the creation, definition and separation of distinct royal identities, mobilised through the colossi, which became the objects of cult. It is an axiom that the king of Egypt was held to be divine, although the concept was evidently mutable over time.


On the Egyptian origin of the domestic cat

The traditional opinion is that the cat was domesticated in place in Egypt from
wild local stock. SCHAUENBERG (1972) contradicted this hypothesis by showing that the
cranial index (ic = cranium length/volume of encephalic cavity) of the modern domestic cat was closer to that of the steppe cat (Felis ornata) of Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan than that of the wild Libyan desert cat (Felis libyca).