Tag: Odyssey


Penelope's Geese: Pets of the Ancient Greeks

Herein lies the crux of the problem, because before we talk about the pets of the Greeks, we would be wise to define what a pet actually is. A pet is generally defined as an animal kept for companionship or amusement. But what about com- panion animals that also serve a practical use such as hunt ing or guarding, as Argos did? One would also assume that humans do not eat their pets. But did Penelope ever eat her geese?


The Myth of the Synagogue on Delos

The identification of a synagogue on Delos has been problematic ever since it was first made in 1913 because while there is some evidence relating to Jews and/or Samaritans on Delos not one single piece of it refers to a synagogue or association house. When we come to look at the material relating to how a building on the island came to be identified as a synagogue…