Tag: The Imperial Cult of Ancient Rome


The cult of the goddess Roma in the Roman province of Dalmatia

A major role in emperor worship was played by Dea Roma, a Greek goddess who was unknown in Roman religion until the second century BC. During the Republican era, this deity only had the narrower geographic significance of the city of Rome, while the Greeks of the Hellenistic era elevated her into a divine personification of the Roman Republic and the entire Roman populace (Populus Romanus).


The regional imperial cult in the Roman province of Dalmatia

The province of Dalmatia was divided into three juridical districts (conventi iuridici): Scardona, Salona and Narona, of which the first was organized on the basis of the territorial principle and encompassed a higher number of municipalities (civitates) at once, while the Salona and Narona conventus communities were registered in accordance with narrower kinship communities, i.e. decuria.


Suetonius and his treatment of the Emperor Domitian's favourable accomplishments

Suetonius’ negative portrayal of emperors was not limited to Domitian. Emperors Tiberius, Gaius, Claudius, Nero and Vitellius also received negative portrayal in accordance with the senatorial influence and damnatio memoriae evident in the literature of the period. This attitude towards these condemned emperors matched the views of the senatorial aristocracy who were the patrons of literary commissions and their authors.