
Patriotism and some related aspects of Roman character

Patriotism and some related aspects of Roman character

Lear, Floyd Seyward

The Rice Institute Pamphlet, Volume 29, Number 4 (1942)


In these noble words Rome’s poet of empire declared her imperial mission to the world and defined the native genius of her citizens to consist in the power of rule, of government and of law. Indeed, the Romans were a lawyerly people with a lawyerly habit of mind, marked early and lasting late in their history-a people of lawyers, administrators and statesmen. They were solid, substantial, cau- tious and conservative within reason; they were practical, sometimes unimaginative, industrious, frugal, and very much businessmen. The forum and the courts often joined hands with the market place, and under no circumstances do we find them fearful of hard work. Seldom do they remind us of the facile, sophisticated, curious, and critical Athenians whom St. Paul encountered in the famous episode on Mars

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